How To Use Social Media for Business Simple Steps

People go to social media to sell their product.  They bombard their followers, or readers with tons of commercials and sales pitch.  But you won’t make money on Social Media.  That is not the point.  What one must do is create relationships so that your customers will know you better and see that their interest is more important to you.  Social media is all about connecting and having a 2 way communication.   It is building your credibility in the field that you are in.

Here is a very concise video created by Upsidedown Iceberg . Discover how using Social Media Marketing to promote your business can keep you top of mind with your prospects. Use Social Media to position yourself as an expert in your field, teach people how to solve their problems with your product or service and develop a lasting relationship. After all, we all know people buy from people they know like and trust.