Barbie Takes On Wearable Tech In An Interactive LED Dress For 2013

Wearable tech doesn’t just come in the form of sweatshirts, hats and shoes with optimized mobile options in them. Wearable tech also comes in the form of light projections and stunning interactive features in clothes that do nothing more than add to the beauty of the outfit or dress itself. A perfect example of this is Carry Underwood’s Projection Dress. Other examples are the LED dresses we’ve seen on other celebrities online.

It’s seems even Barbie is getting into the wearable tech trend. We’ve known for a while that Barbie is a geek, so it’s a perfect fit. The Barbie Digital Dress Doll, which will be available in August, features Barbie wearing an interactive LED dress that responds to the sounds in the room.

In addition to that, Barbie’s LED dress also utilizes touchscreen technology which allows girls to make digital designs on the front of her dress. There are three modes to this LED dress, and they are all controlled by pressing the buttons on Barbie’s heart necklace. The dress itself uses a small touch panel and 114 tricolored LEDs.

You can see this interactive dress in action in the video below. When I was a little girl, if the Barbie dolls had movable arms, we were happy. It’s a whole new world these days. Barbie is known for being fashion forward, and it’s great to see her embracing wearable tech. Now I just wish we’d see Barbie carrying around her own little 3D printer. She could print a dog or a handbag or something. It could be called 3D Printing Barbie. Hey, that could be the next Barbie…or, maybe not. As cute as this Barbie is with her LED dress, I still like this Tattooed Barbie with the soft, pink hair better. She is my all time favorite.

Barbie’s Interactive LED Dress


