As you probably know by now, I never get tired of creative and innovative accessories for the iPhone. Sometimes I feel we feature Android way too little here on Bit Rebels (note to self – change that), but the fact is that there are so many things being launched for the iPhone that it’s hard not to write about the best ones. We would be more than happy to receive your suggestions for Android accessories, so if you know of any really cool ones, don’t hesitate to send us a tip about it. The iPhone accessories usually have to do with photography in some way, or at least the ones we feature here on Bit Rebels. Maybe it’s because photography has become such a huge part of the iPhone’s actual usage. The accessories are getting ever smaller, and this time, it’s all about a clip-on lens that is perfect for the iPhone.
I like accessories best when they don’t take up too much space in your pocket, bag or whatever else you are carrying them around in, and this micro clip-on lens is the perfect size. It comes in three different filters – fish eye, mirage and CPL. It’s pretty cool that you can just clip-on these filters and start taking unique and creative photographs with your iPhone. There are no apps needed, and you can just switch them out in a second when you want to switch it up a little.
They are developed by GIZMON and are called iCA filters. The prices for these clip-on lens filters vary. It’s $35.00 for the fish eye clip-on lens, and $23.00 for the mirage and CPL clip-on lens filters. They’re pretty cheap for being professional filters that will entirely change the way you use the camera on your iPhone. These clip-on lenses also work on the iPad, which makes them even more versatile. Whether or not they work for the Android, I don’t know. If anyone out there knows, please make a note in the comments below to let everyone know. If you want to up your photography, these clip-on lens filters are exactly what you should invest in.