Spending long hours in front of your computer usually pokes the question whether you have the best possible setup or not. By now, most people know that sitting is slowly killing us and that the human body is not meant to be sitting. There is a landslide of research suggesting this and we are not going to oppose it. What we need is a better setup that does not inflict so much damage on our bodies. That setup is the Zero Gravity Workstation.
This almost unearthly (as in zero gravity) desk is the latest in workstation engineering and allows for almost unlimited customization. Just looking at the workstation transform is enough for me to want to get one! The company behind the Zero Gravity Workstation is ErgoQuest. They have a variety of different models of their soon-to-be legendary workstations. The prices range from $2,695.00 to $15.995.0dependingng on the customization level you are after.
The ability to feel like you are suspended in the air while working should be a new experience for most. Heck, it would mean that every minute spent working would feel like being in heaven. Add to that the total freedom of unlimited customization and you have yourself a dream setup.
The Zero Gravity Workstation is not just a geeky gadget but most of all it’s a tool that will keep you healthy. The decline in health of people spending hours and hours in front of their computer is frightening. This workstation will solve all that and put a healthy smile back in any programmers face.
ErgoQuest also has Zero Gravity Chairs and a lot of other great accessories that will help you stay inspired. Have a look at their place on the web and read more about the fifteen available Zero Gravity Workstations. Some even look like something our of a science fiction movie. This is totally something that I personally have to consider. I am spending more than twelve to fifteen hours a day in front of the old computer to churn out content. One of these workstations should make the process a whole lot more inspiring.