How To Make Beer & Bacon Mancakes (The Ultimate Dude Food)

What could be better than beer, bacon and pancakes for breakfast? This concoction might be considered dude food, but I’d say it could be chick food too. I know I’d eat it. Pass the butter. This could be the perfect Saturday morning breakfast in bed to make for your man. Nothing says “I love you” more than serving him beer and high calorie, high fat, heart-attack inducing pancakes slathered in butter and made with bacon sprinkled with sugar. Nom nom!

According to the recipe on Betty Crocker, you sprinkle 8 slices of bacon with brown sugar and cook them. When you flip the bacon, you sprinkle them with sugar again. Then crumble them up into little pieces and set aside.

Then you just simply combine your pancake mix ingredients (enough for 6 mancakes) according to the package, but instead of milk, use beer. Add the bacon. Stir it all up and pour them on the griddle like regular pancakes. You can serve them on a plate, or if you want to get fancy, you can make the mancakes a little smaller and stack them in a beer mug like in the picture below.

If you do that, don’t forget to put butter on each mancake before you put it in the mug. I mean, after all, if you’re going all the way like this, no sense in skipping the butter, right? And no fair cheating and using that zero-fat fake butter either. We want the real thing baby! Like Sheryl Crow sings, I like a good beer buzz in the morning, and this sounds like a tasty way to get it. You can download the PDF of the recipe here.

Beer Buzz In The Morning

Beer Buzz In The Morning

Image Credit: [That’s Nerdalicious]