Choose The Best Social Media Platforms For Your Brand [Infographic]

As a brand, you’ve probably done some ROI calculations on your social media efforts. You’ve probably determined that your effectiveness is much greater on some sites than others. With so many popular social sites available, you could increase your effectiveness by just choosing a few that are the best ones for your brand based on your goals. Being effective on a few is much more powerful than being lukewarm on them all. This infographic will help you choose the best social media platforms.

Before you can choose the most effective social media platforms for your brand, you have to determine what your social media goals are. You might be trying to target a certain age group, you might be trying to gain as much social engagement and brand exposure as possible, or you might simply be trying to increase traffic to your website. It’s important to have clear social media goals before you can start to target which social media platforms would be best for your brand.

This infographic called What You Need To Know About Choosing The Most Effective Social Media Platform (by Social Barrel) will help you along in this process. It breaks down the most popular social media platforms by different demographics, which you can then match to your social media goals.

As you see from looking at these charts, Facebook once again is the one that looks to be at the top of the class. As a brand, it’s important to have a business Facebook page. There’s really no way around that one if you want to be taken seriously. Looking at the differences between the rest of these social media platforms is quite interesting. I think this could really help put things into perspective for many brands.

How To Choose The Best Social Media Platforms For Your Brand

(Click Infographic To Enlarge)


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