Star Wars Printable Masks Let Your Kiddies Probe The Galaxy In Style

We always joke in our Bit Rebels articles that in order to raise the next generation of Star Wars fans right, you gotta get ’em started young. We’ve even written about a Star Wars book made out of soft cloth for babies so they can learn how to recognize R2-D2 and stormtroopers the moment they can hold it. If you are looking for other ways to get your kiddies interested in your favorite movie series, these printable masks can help. They are adorable, and they’ll make you smile.

These Star Wars printable masks come in whatever character your little prince or princess likes. These include Princess Amidala, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, Vader, Boba Fett and a stormtrooper. They were created by Etsy user BessiePooh, and they cost $15 per download.

Once you get your download link, you’ll need a few other supplies like the heavy card stock to print it on, a pair of scissors, a few different sized hole punches and some elastic thread to make the string that goes around the head. These printable masks are perfect for play dates, Halloween or just a fun Saturday afternoon at home.

I was reading some of the feedback that people left, and it seems these masks are especially fun for birthday parties and photo booth pictures. If you’d like to get some of these for yourself (they aren’t just for the kiddies you know), you can click over to Star Wars Printable Masks. There are also some other downloadable geeky masks in her shop like Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman and more. So the next time you want to complement your Star Wars movie with a little low maintenance cosplay, just choose a mask to make. I want one of each!

Star Wars Printable Masks




Via: [Gizmodiva]