Is The Popularity Of CBD Products Foreshadowing A Shift From Traditional Pharmaceuticals?

Once upon a time, it was the norm to treat various conditions and illnesses with herbs and other naturally derived elements, but that was a time where we had few to no medical professionals and an incredibly basic understanding of human anatomy. Nowadays, there are walk-in clinics and physicians’ offices on nearly every corner, and we go to these professionals for medical advice.

We trust them so much that right from birth, we bring our infants to these specialists who run tests and prescribe treatments, and it’s not very common to question these practices. Doctors go to school for years, so it makes sense to visit one when something is wrong, but what if you knew there was an alternative? Would you take it?

Would you consider another option in place of traditional pharmaceuticals if you knew it came with fewer side effects? At one time, the typical responses to these questions would never have wavered, placing total and complete confidence in the medical system that we were all taught to trust with our lives, but now, there are a lot more people who would say yes without hesitation.

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One of the most popular natural elements that are currently being used in this way is CBD and for a good reason. CBD products are infused with the cannabinoid called cannabidiol, which is the non-psychoactive counterpart to THC that is often found in cannabis plants. CBD concentrate can be used in a variety of ways and is generally consumed for medical reasons.

So just how effective is this cure-all, and why are consumers trying to make the switch? Well, the latest research seems to solidify the idea that at least some of the most common uses for CBD products are likely beneficial, it more of a question of how effective it may be when compared to other alternatives, and the statistics that have been released thus far do not disappoint.

According to one study that can be found in the European Journal of Pain, clinical data shows that when CBD concentrate was applied to rats, it dramatically reduced the signs of pain as well as the amount of inflammation surrounding the joints with no detectable adverse effects. Another report from NCBI showed that symptoms like nausea, lack of appetite, insomnia, and pain would be reduced significantly by small amounts of CBD concentrate alone, again with no unwanted side effects aside from the occasional upset stomach, which could be avoided with a lower dose.

Once you learn about some of the benefits of taking CBD products, it is easy to see why so many people are starting to make the switch, but why now? Is it the research driving this sudden shift in the public’s perception of the medical industry? If not, then what else could it be? Since very few doctors are willing to suggest or even supervise this type of alternative treatment, there must be other factors at work here, so what are they?

How does a population that has always trusted medical professionals with their care, choose to take a leap of faith into alternative medicines? The truth may depend on who you ask, but the consensus is that it is our current generation’s understanding of history along with their exposure to much more unique situations than ever before.

5 Reasons For This Shift

Though there is a broad range of factors at play when it comes to shifting an entire population’s idea on any subject, in this case, there are several predominantly influential aspects that are believed to be at the heart of this change.

1. History

Though there have been leaps and bounds made in the medical industry, there have been plenty of mistakes that have taken place along the way. All this information is readily accessible at a moment’s notice with no more than a cell phone. Negative stories are read, go viral, and have taught many of us that experimentation with pharmaceuticals has an extensive history of causing just as much, if not more harm than good.

2. The Opioid Epidemic

Though there have always been toxic recreational drugs, none have made waves or taken as many lives as the opioids that, for more than a decade, have been prescribed to patients by doctors to manage pain. These medications were never intended for long term use and have been overprescribed to the extent that signs began surfacing in all hospitals and clinics to warn that narcotics would not be prescribed.

This was a measure taken to protect staff from violent encounters with opioid addicts that were seeking their next fix, and one that remains in place today. Approximately 1 in 3 people will be directly affected by someone who is addicted to these pharmaceutical products, and with it being such a prevalent issue, it makes sense that consumers have concerns about the addictive quality of the most commonly prescribed medications on the market today.

3. Internet Access

As we mentioned before, the internet is a fantastic place to learn from, and with so many people having access to it, information is much easier to find for the average person. As more and more consumers have personally experienced the benefits of more natural alternatives, the news of that success can travel quite quickly. You can find CBD online and order from almost anywhere in the world, but you do not have the option of doing the same with medications. This offers accessibility and levels of discretion and control that makes people much more likely to try it.

4. Branding (Or Lack Of)

Pharmaceutical companies in America can advertise to potential consumers about both the benefits and the risks of their products, but what is shown is still restricted to certain types of treatments. The rest of the western world is unable to see these types of advertisements for local companies, and for most of us, walking into the doctor and requesting a specific kind of medication would likely raise some red flags, and in the very least, upset the physician who expects you to follow their advice.

Because of this, people are not very educated on the various medicines that are available today, and since it isn’t a hot topic, most information that is easy to access is difficult to translate for the average person. CBD products, on the other hand, are often sold by companies who will gladly share vital information, like how the product is made, which is a considerable influence in how comfortable people feel with natural alternatives.

5. Side Effects

CBD concentrate is not without its problems, as we have recently learned that over 15mg of CBD can be detrimental to a person’s quality of sleep, but pharmaceutical medications often come loaded with much scarier side effects like addiction, heart palpitations, weight gain, weight loss, allergic reactions, and many more that may or may not be worth experiencing in exchange for a little relief. Even if these adverse results are rare, they are still a risk factor that a lot of people are struggling with accepting. Especially when there are other, more natural alternatives.

Are CBD Concentrates Becoming Popular A Prediction Of What Is To Come?

The short answer is yes, and no. It depends on how you choose to look at it. In one sense, CBD products suddenly becoming popular is most definitely an indication of a shift in the public perspective, but it’s less of a prediction and more of a result of the change that has already occurred. Alternative medicines were on the rise long before the introduction of CBD products; it is merely a recent media exposure on the subject that is only now being recognized as a real trend.

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