When Does A Personal Injury Case Go To Trial?

Getting injured and feeling helpless about it can be the scariest thing a person goes through.  If you’re not sure how much is owed to you or aren’t able to fight for what you deserve, it can leave you feeling taken advantage of. A lawsuit often can be the right decision, but there are a handful of questions to ask yourself before committing to that route.

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What’s The Severity Of Injury?

How badly were you injured?  If you’re fortunate enough to only have suffered a minor injury, a lawsuit isn’t for you.  With all of the time, money, and stress that goes into a trial- it’s better that you make sure it’s worth it.

Most personal injury lawsuits are for life-changing injuries like car accidents, medical malpractice, assault and battery, and defamation.  If your personal injury falls under one of these, and it’s severe enough that you’ve needed professional help, you may have a case.

Who’s At Fault?

It wouldn’t make any sense to sue if you, and the other party, agree that you’re at fault.  If the other parties are at fault, or neither of you is entirely sure who’s at fault, a court case could be the best option.

On that note, if you know the other party is at fault, and they’re arguing against that, it could be time to start looking for a personal injury lawyer in Kansas City.

What Are They Offering?

If the other party has admitted it was their fault, you’ve got a leg up on them.  Keep an eye on what they’re offering you, and consider if it’s enough.  Are they lowballing you on how much you deserve?  Are you not sure how much you deserve?  If you’ve tried to mediate a fix, and they’re refusing to give you what you deserve, it’s time for legal intervention.

Is Insurance Working With You?

If you’re injured, and either your insurance or another party’s insurance is refusing to work with you, then they’re liable to pay you what you’re worth.  A lot of companies try to take advantage of people not knowing their rights, or being scared away from a lawsuit into accepting far less than they need.  Don’t fall into this easy trap and miss out on money that’s rightfully yours.

How Many People Are Involved?

This question may seem like an odd thing to consider, but the more people involved in a case- the less straightforward it will be.  Multiple parties mean multiple views, opinions, and needs from several different sides.  This problem can break out in a lot of arguments, and a lot of people have trouble changing their minds even when faced with facts.  You need a professional who will advocate for you, and make sure that you don’t get your needs overlooked just because someone else is louder.

What people need after an injury, is time for them to heal and move on.  If you get denied the money and cooperation you need, your suffering and pain can get drawn out further.  Don’t avoid asking for help, and stand up for yourself.

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