8 Ways Music Affects The Brain

Do you find yourself feeling a rush of excitement after listening to happy music? Does upbeat music make you feel energized and motivated? All these feelings are due to the positive effects of music on your brain.

Apart from this, music has several other benefits like relieving stress, improving creativity, enhancing memory, and even relieving pain. Given below are some ways music affects the brain.

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1. Music Helps In Relieving Stress

Neuroscientific studies show that listening to music can actually lead to stress reduction and improved well-being. Music is able to decrease physiological arousal which is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, rate of respiration, and lessened activity of the gastrointestinal system. Physiological arousal increases during stress and music can help decrease it by reducing cortisol levels in the brain, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Other studies show that music affects the amygdala of the brain which is the part responsible for the regulation of emotional processes by the release of endorphins. This helps in relieving stress-related emotional states like anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness.

Music can deactivate the amygdala which results in increased feelings of pleasure and happiness. Certain genres of music like slow classical music are said to have relaxing effects on our minds and bodies.

If you have a busy life that constantly puts you under stress, try to incorporate music into your daily routine. You can listen to some quiet music on the way to work, during meditation, walking the dog, or even taking a shower.

Karaoke is also a great way to relieve stress at the end of a long and hard day. Karaoke can help boost self-esteem, improve socialization skills and even stimulate your brain positively.

You can have your own karaoke session at home with a simple microphone and any device playing the instrumentals of your favorite song. If you can’t find a good quality karaoke track of your favorite song we recommend using a vocal remover tool like PhonicMind which can help you achieve the best instrumental quality.

2. Music Helps In Pain Relief

Music has therapeutic powers and can help relieve the pain which is associated with a wide variety of ailments. In fact, music therapy is an allied health profession that is used to treat health concerns, ease pain, and aid physical discomfort by improving respiration and lowering blood pressure.

It is defined as the ‘clinical and evidence-based use of musical interventions to accomplish individualized goals.’

  • Music can decrease acute pain and even help decrease chronic pain from recurrent bleeding in muscles and joints.
  • It stimulates the release of endorphins and brings changes in catecholamine levels which help distract patients from their pain.
  • It can trigger the release of opioids which lowers the feeling of pain and patients might feel a reduced need for pain medication. This is very beneficial for patients suffering from fibromyalgia and post-operative pain.
  • People suffering from cancer can find solace and relief from music therapy for pain management.

3. Music Can Help People Who Suffer From Seizures And Strokes

Many studies show that listening to music frequently can help some people control their epilepsy.

Mozart’s classical music is said to be more helpful in these cases. When people with epilepsy listen to music, higher levels of brainwave activity takes place in their brain. This activity synchronizes with the music which is processed in the auditory cortex of the brain.

Music therapy is also proven to improve brain and motor functions in stroke patients. It is observed that the patients improve in responding and engaging along with overcoming low mood and fatigue. Music with continuous rhythm can help improve muscular control and help patients with their movements.

In music therapy, patients are encouraged to respond to music with hand movements and words to help improve communication.

4. Music Brings Happiness

There is a scientific reason why music brings happiness. The pleasure we get from listening to music is because of actual biological processes happening in the brain.

Studies have been performed on many people to observe the effects of music on the biological system. In these studies, people were found to experience an increase in emotional arousal, including other physical changes like changes in heart rate, pulse and breathing rate, shivers, and chills after a music listening session.

It was discovered that their brains released large amounts of dopamine which led to chills and shivers. Dopamine is an important brain chemical that is released when a person feels happy, satisfied, or motivated. It also helps regulate body movements and emotional responses.

Low levels of dopamine are associated with feelings of depression, anxiety, and sadness. Music makes you feel happy because dopamine release is increased.

5. Music Improves Creativity

Researchers say that listening to music improves divergent thinking whis is a key element of creativity. Divergent thinking helps people come up with new, interesting, and outside-the-box ideas.

Another study shows that energetic music can energize the brain and promote a flexible thinking style. This style of thinking leads to innovative and creative ideas.

6. Music Improves Memory

It is said that music reactivates parts of the brain which are associated with reasoning, memory, and emotion. It can also boost concentration and improve alertness. Some studies show that music enhances the memory of patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

It also benefits students since it helps them retain information and puts them in a better mood for learning.

7. Music Helps In Exercise

Studies show that music increases serotonin levels in the brain. This can put you in a better mood for your workout especially if you are lacking motivation.

Music also distracts you from the pain and fatigue which is experienced during exercising.

Upbeat songs or fast-paced music is said to be effective for intense exercises.

8. Music Improves Motor Skills

Music can help develop coordination, equilibrium, and other intellectual abilities. It triggers the part of the brain which controls a person’s ability to speak, read, write and move different parts of the body. It is said that children who undertake music lessons from a young age show improvement in motor skills.

Music also has a positive effect on the development of neurons.


Many people know that music makes you feel happy and energized but don’t know the various other benefits associated with listening to certain kinds of music. This article is meant to shed light on the other benefits due to music’s impact on the brain.

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