Earlier this month I wrote about a Last Supper parody called The Last Breakfast. It was a very creative illustration made with breakfast cereal characters. A few days ago, a Last Supper parody illustrated with South Park characters started circulating the Internet. This one is unique in that it actually has a Jesus in the Jesus place at the table.
It’s very interesting to me that so many artists are inspired by the famous Leonardo da Vinci painting from the 15th century. I suppose it’s no surprise really since it is such a significant part of our history. There are always a lot of intriguing facts and mysterious findings in Leonardo da Vinci’s works of art, and this mural is no exception.
I decided that since there are so many fabulous Last Supper parodies out there, I would go on a hunt to find the best of the best for you, and compile a collection. After searching through what feels like a hundred illustrations, I’ve chosen what I believe to be the top 17. I could have put 50 or 75 great images in this post. There is really a lot of creative stuff out there! I hope you like them all. Of course, out of all of them, the iPhone/iPod one is my favorite. #geek (Image credits below)
Image Credits: [Popped Culture] [The Smurf Supper – Flickr] [Previously on Lost] [An Apostate’s Chapel] [Celebrity Odor] [Urlesque] [Never Return Alive] [All Funny] [Slog] [Fridge] [Mindless Drivel] [Gunaxin]