Craft Inspiration: Brain Specimen in a Jar

If you are on the Internet all day like I am, you are probably noticing the same trend as me. Needlefelt is everywhere. I know what you’re probably thinking… Needlefelt? It sounds like an old lady craft, like knitting. Well, apparently it isn’t. Needlefelt is becoming more and more popular. Needlefelt classes are even forming in many cities now.

I’ve written about needlefelt before. If you would like to see more, you can check out the needlefelt E.T. and the needlefelt pop culture artists, singers and politicians. Today it’s all about this needlefelted brain specimen in a jar.

I have so many questions about this that my own brain is on overload. First of all, where would someone get the idea to needlefelt a brain? Come to find out, the person who created this, yourorgangrinder, has an entire Etsy store dedicated to organs and body parts. The bad news is that she’s already sold this cute little fuzzy brain in a jar; however, the good news is that she takes requests for whatever organ you would like her to make next. This is so creepy cool. I love it!

Craft Needle Felt Brain

Craft Needle Felt Brain

Craft Needle Felt Brain

Via: [Craft]