Keeping employees happy is the key to business success. Happy employees have lower turnover rates, they’re more productive and they’ll make your business more money. Salary and benefits are key to business success. One way to keep employees happy is to offer an optimal break room.
But, What Do The Most Successful Companies Offer?
That’s the million-dollar questions. Break rooms of the most successful companies offer a tranquil environment that screams to relaxation of employees. These break rooms are meant to help employees unwind, and they include the following.
1. Coffee Is A Must-Have In A Break Room
Even when I go to the dentists’ office, there is a coffee pot sitting in the waiting room. Employees will want a coffee pot in their break room. Why? Coffee is a way of life for most people. The majority of adults drink coffee (83% in America).
You’ll want to have it all:
- Cream
- Sugar
- Cups
- Stirrers
Caffeine has been shown to improve focus and the attention span of employees. It’s also that extra boost of energy that helps get adults moving in the morning and afternoon when their productivity starts to dip.
2. Snacks Are Picking Up Steam
Believe it or not, a lot of companies are finding that snacks are making their employees happy. That’s right: employees like snacks. Healthy snacks are starting to fill break rooms. You’ll find that small businesses often don’t want to splurge on this expense, but it can boost productivity and happiness in the workplace.
The snacks that you can add, and there are many, include:
- Fruits
- Nuts
- Trail mix
- Vegetables
- Yogurt
- Grains
You’ll even find some break rooms offering cereals and oatmeal to help their employees have a meal to start their day if they missed breakfast.
3. Drinks Are Common
Alcohol is obviously not an option in the workplace, but offering free drinks is a great idea and a nice incentive when working for a company. There are a lot of drink options, and these include:
- Soda
- Water
- Flavored water
- Tea
- Lemonade
You’ll also want to keep bottle openers, coasters and ice readily available for your staff. This will make up a great part of the break room.
4. Tables And Seating
Tables and seating are two very important features. Employees that each lunch together can work out workplace problems and bond – a great thing for business. Seating is also equally as important. Comfortable seating is becoming a popular option.
You can add bean bags from Fombag, a couch or other seating options that allow your employees to lounge out and relax.
Google, yes the tech giant, has nap pods for their employees. This may seem like over-the-top, and it’s not something every company can offer. But nap pods allow employees to take a snooze and reenergize after a long day or night.
You’ll also find break rooms filled with magazines, televisions hanging on the wall and areas where an employee can sit and relax.
You don’t need to be the company that offers free meals, unlimited snacks or even bikes for employees, but offering a modern break room is something that you can do.
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