4 Ways Harnessing Nature Can Increase Productivity In The Workplace

Numerous studies have shown that nature plays a major role in productivity of any kind. Whether it’s work or play, people respond positively to the gentle beauty of Mother Nature.

Natural light boosts productivity. Natural surroundings reduce anxiety and tension while boosting energy and enthusiasm. Even memory is bolstered by nature.

With all that potential, it’s little wonder that employees exposed to nature in the workplace thrive. Performance, productivity, creativity, innovation, and satisfaction can all benefit in such an environment.

Employers can bring the outdoors in or send employees outdoors to work. All you need to do is get creative. Here are four ways you can harness nature to increase workplace productivity.

4 Ways Harnessing Nature Increase Productivity Workplace


1. Encourage A Sense Of Play

When work feels more like play, it’s no wonder employees will ramp up their productivity. Allow them to play with their children or pets, and you’ll be providing an even bigger boost on that front.

If you think that playground equipment doesn’t belong in the workplace, reconsider. Offering childcare in the workplace solves a lot of problems for your employees.

Think about installing commercial equipment for children whether you offer childcare or just for days parents can bring them along.

For employees with four-legged children, create a dog park. Provide everyone with access to walking paths. And don’t forget to add benches and tables employees can use during breaks or to work in the fresh air.

You can even add a grill or two for company events or for ambitious employees who want to cook something for lunch.

Providing outdoor spaces employees can use for work and play will make their time on the clock less stressful. If they aren’t worrying about their kids, their pets, or their lack of fresh air, they’ll work more efficiently. And they just might have fun doing it.

2. Get A Breath Of Fresh Air

For decades, buildings were zipped up in an effort to make heating and cooling systems more efficient. But any efficiency gained on that front was likely lost in employee productivity as workers suffered from sick building syndrome.

Among the list of physical illnesses suffered due to inhaling stale air are employee fatigue and listlessness.

If you can open windows or install them, do it to let fresh air circulate when possible. It’s like rolling down the car window to wake up when you’re feeling drowsy. It will have the same effect on your employees.

The EPA standards for adequate amounts of fresh air used in HVAC systems are relatively low. However, there are systems that exceed those standards, bringing in considerably more fresh air. Especially if you don’t have working windows or have windowless spaces, invest in better HVAC equipment.

Attention, cognitive function, decision-making, and awareness are all improved when exposed to fresh air. Help your employees shrug off drowsiness and get working better. Make the workplace a breath of fresh air.

3. Bring The Outdoors In

Unfortunately, some workplaces lack access to outdoor spaces. But that doesn’t mean you should shelve plans for exposing employees to nature while they’re on the job. You’ll just need to bring the outdoors inside.

Biophilic design is premised on the idea that the need for humans to be in a natural environment, rather than a manmade one, is primal. This design aesthetic employs plants, sunlight, and images and textures from nature to make workplaces more organic.

Use earth tones for walls, floors, and furnishings. Employ large windows and skylights to flood areas with sunlight. Choose artwork that features plants, animals, and natural scenery. And whatever you do, don’t forget the green plants.

They not only look refreshing, but they also improve air quality by improving oxygen levels.

Research results on biophilic design indicate that where it’s done well, employees are more productive and happier in these settings. All you need to do is get them back in touch with their wild side.

4. Retreat To Nature

Employees who attend conferences often return reinvigorated by the experience. However, most of the time, they’ve spent days in windowless hotel conference rooms and dining spaces. They get fresh air only if they walk out the front doors to get some.

Never underestimate the power of a change of scenery, particularly when that scenery is nature at its best. Even if you can’t provide a healthy dose of nature in the workplace, you can take employees there. Consider nature-infused retreats to re-energize their batteries.

Retreating to natural spaces is especially crucial if your workplace is in an urban area. You can take employees to a park, botanical garden, or zoo for the day. Or you can schedule a multi-day retreat at a facility designed for maximum outdoor exposure.

When you have the choice between a conference hotel or a resort, choose the latter. Your employees will be able to relax, recuperate, and reconnect in the lap of nature. And that will make them ready to tackle their jobs with energy once they return.

Productivity In The Workplace – Gear Up

Exposing your employees to the natural environment doesn’t have to be complicated. You can add some green plants and working windows. Or you can go all out and put nature inside the workplace and right outside the door.

Harnessing nature in the workplace is an oft-missed opportunity in the modern world. Don’t overlook what it can do for your employees. Use these tips to boost their productivity and their happiness, and you just might improve your bottom line.

4 Ways Harnessing Nature Increase Productivity Workplace


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