Businesses You Can Start Online With Small Investments

You wish to start a business of your own or make some extra money, but the fact that you’ll have to invest in order to start is so repulsive? We know the feeling, but have faith – not all businesses need significant investments.

To start working and gaining profits with low or zero investments, it’s best to focus on e-commerce and online businesses that can be monitored from home. Here we will give you a few examples of online businesses that require small or even none investments and some tips on how to choose and start them.

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Influencer Marketing

You’d be surprised, what a serious job is to be an influencer. And you’d also be surprised how much some of the influencers get paid for their work. And if you think it’s because of plain luck, you are wrong.

Yes, some influencers are more interesting and likable than the others, but only because they work hard to achieve these results. Have you ever wondered, how many time it takes to upload Instagram stories all the time, creating visually appealing photos, posts, and promotional texts that have to represent a personal brand?

So yes, it takes time, but it’s worth it. If your personal brand that you have created really matches your personality, then all the products that brands send you and all events they invite you to will be a pleasure for you, and you will live a happy life. After mastering these tips, you can move on to more detailed instructions on how to be a successful influencer.


Translating isn’t the most exciting startup idea with a bunch of innovations and technologies, but it’s a very old profession that is always in demand like the hospitals are as well.

People and companies will always need to translate texts because it is impossible to know all languages and there are no automated tools that could translate and apply all the rules that apply to a specific language. Someday – maybe, but not soon for sure.

Also think about the fact, that you will have to invest absolutely nothing – translating doesn’t cost anything, all you will need to use is your personal time. Sure, you can promote your services and have a website with your work experience information and contacts, but on the other hand, there’s no business that wouldn’t need advertising.

Graphic Design

In order to start with graphic design, you’ll need some skills and a portfolio of your work. You might also consider investing in a domain and a simple website with your resume and portfolio work. If you do, then definitely use a WordPress form plugin from – you can do it with no coding knowledge, and you’ll save money because you won’t need a programmer to do it. People will be able to send you briefs through this form.

But if you want to start right away without investing into a website and waiting to be noticed, you can participate in various contests. Contests could be for any kind of graphic design, but the most common ones are the logo contests. Most of them can be found by just searching Google. There are also a couple that is quite popular among designers – it’s 48logo and 99designs.

Print On Demand Businesses

By choosing a print on demand type of business, you can pick different products to print on. It could be mugs, hats, t-shirts, poster, pens, jumpers, and so much more. One of the most popular forms is making t-shirts.

The POD business works this way: you select a print on demand providers like Printify or any other, then you make your own shirt, and sell it online. Profits are divided between you and the POD provider, and more to it – you don’t have to worry about anything. Shipping, wrapping, printing, warehousing – all is done for you. And best of all – you need zero investments to start.

If you are interested in even more business-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels then we have a lot to choose from.

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