Numerical reasoning tests are a type of aptitude test that specifically assess your ability to work with numbers and different mathematical processes. Being able to analyze and interpret large amounts of data is a highly valued skill in the workforce as many companies rely on numerical data to assess success and set goals. Sometimes this is referred to as numerical critical-reasoning, as employers are not simply assessing your ability to do maths, but to interpret data in order to make decisions and solve problems.
Why Do Employers Use Them?
This may be obvious for some positions, such as in finance or sales, but some employers even use them for managerial positions. They are designed to assess how comfortable you are with long numbers, graphs, and analyzing data under time pressure, which can be used to predict how well you’ll perform on the job tasks such as:
- Effectively identify business-related issues from large amounts of data.
- Draw logical conclusions from the numerical data to solve issues and help the company progress.
- Efficiently monitor performance from numerical metrics, e.g. charts and tables.
- Clearly convey business-related issues in numerical metrics.
Lots of people are good at maths, but numerical reasoning tests go further to show aptitude at analyzing and interpreting data to come to logical conclusions. This is especially important when there are record numbers of skilled applicants applying for the same role; by using numerical reasoning tests, employers can cut costs and time spent trying to decide who to hire, or even just give interviews to.
There are also specific financial reasoning tests, which differ slightly from traditional numerical reasoning tests, but make similar assessments. The tests are typically a bit longer and will require knowledge of financial terminology to sort through the passages given and identify key information. Many top banks and companies in the financial sector use financial reasoning tests in their hiring process, so if that is where you want to be, best get practicing.
What Is Involved?
Numerical reasoning tests are designed to be tricky. They differ from the maths tests that you’ve probably come across in school, so even people with mathematical backgrounds can find them difficult. Instead of just testing your ability to remember formulae and equations, numerical reasoning tests look into how well you analyze and interpret numerical data in ways relevant to the work you’ll be doing. This is done through the following processes:
- Interpreting data from tables, graphs, and charts
- Estimations
- Currency conversions
- Critical reasoning
- Inflation and rebasing.
There are also different levels of difficulty. So, while they’re all designed to be challenging, the tests for an engineering position will be more difficult than for a marketing position. However, both are establishing a base level of aptitude that must be met for success. How exactly do they make numerical reasoning tests more difficult? Typically, this is done by increasing the complexity of the data, the amount of data, and the time given to complete the tests. Like most aptitude tests, it is generally best to stick to the “one question to one minute” rule, but in more complex tests, you may be expected to solve problems in less than that.
No need to worry though, we have plenty of practice numerical reasoning tests, even a free practice pdf, if you prefer to test yourself offline and without distractions.
How To Pass?
Success in numerical reasoning tests is particularly dependent on being comfortable with identifying key information within the time constraints, so the more you can practice in timed conditions, the more you’ll improve.
Try some basic numeracy tests if you want to brush up on your numeracy principles and make sure that you’re feeling confident with the basics. While numerical reasoning tests aren’t necessarily testing your memory, it’s best to have a solid understanding of the foundations, such as these key formulae for success.
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