How To Enhance The Appeal Of Your Business Premises

Every prospective customer begins to judge a business as soon as they pull up on the premises. The more your business visitors are impressed by your business, the more they are likely to keep coming back. To attract new clients and maintain the current ones, the exterior area of your business needs to be in great shape.

Sadly, most businesses don’t pay enough attention to how their store, office, or facility appears from the outside. Most companies concentrate on investing in high tech equipment, classy furniture, and modern floor plans while forgetting to enhance the exterior of their premises. Here’s how to improve your business’ curb appeal.

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Get Your Windows Sparkling

Windows can play a crucial role in attracting or turning away your clients. In most commercial buildings in Edmonton and Calgary, windows make up a large part of the exterior. Dirty and discolored windows not only block the penetration of natural light, but they also create a negative first impression on your clients.

On the other hand, tidy windows reflect a well organized and professional business. Cleaning your office windows may be accessible from the inside, but the exterior side can cause challenges, mainly when your business is housed in a multistorey building.

To get the job done right, you can always seek the help of professionals. Window cleaning experts know the best techniques to remove any spots, dirt,  grime, and debris that have accumulated on the glass. They use a wide array of tools, including rope access equipment, to ensure the cleaning process is safe and precise.

Keep The Driveway And Walkway In Perfect Condition

Since commercial areas endure heavy traffic, your driveway and pathways can quickly deteriorate. These outside spaces are particularly vulnerable to cracks, potholes, and stains. These unsightly surfaces could cause your customers to question your attitude to your entire business. Show your clients that you take good care of your premises by fixing cracks, filling potholes, and marking pavements. Also, regularly pressure wash these areas to remove stains and dirt.

Repaint The Exterior

A fresh coat of paint can go a long way to boosting the appeal of your business premises. To create a lasting aesthetic difference, prepare the surface properly by removing the old paint, filling up cracks, and cleaning mold off the walls. When painting, choose a shade that matches your type of business.

Apart from painting, perform other maintenance works. If your current signage is faded, has chipped paint or missing letters, consider getting a new all-weather sign. Ensure it is visible, readable, and memorable.

Also, embark on fixing broken window panes, repairing hanging gutters, and correcting other exterior problems. You can hire Calgary contractors who utilize the rope access technique to access high places or challenging to reach areas.

Create A Lush Green Landscape

A well-maintained landscape can create a favorable business image. Plants at the entrance will freshen the air and make your business look more inviting. For a welcoming outdoor space, you don’t have to invest in expensive outdoor features, plant expensive trees, or maintain the grass yourself.

You can partner with a landscape expert in Edmonton to maintain your existing landscape. They can develop a schedule to trim the trees, shape your shrubs, and maintain the lawn. If your exterior space is bare, consider planting some flowers or using potted plants. Just remember to keep them watered and well-maintained.


The way your business premises looks from the outside might not seem important to you, but it means a lot to your customers. A client’s opinion of your business is influenced by what they see when entering your office.

To catch their attention and gain their trust, spruce up the look of your work premises. Schedule a window cleaning service, add a new paint coat, improve the landscape, and conduct timely outdoor repairs.

If you are interested in even more business-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

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