Keep Your Users Enticed – Here Is How Gamification Can Help

Gamification is a term that has been gaining momentum since 2010. Almost all of us must have heard this term quite frequently. Gamification helps engage users while they are completing various modules. Now, the question arises: What is Gamification?

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What Is Gamification?

Let us start by answering this simple question. In the simplest of terms, gamification is a way of enticing the users to use your software by giving them some sort of rewards for doing rudimentary stuff. You can provide them with badges and trophies for completing a particular level/task.

Today, there are companies that provide resources and reference material on cloud-based platforms. You can have targeted PPC campaigns paired with gamification to excite the users.

Benefits Of Using Gamification

Boring Stuff Doesn’t Remain Boring

Yes, that is the best part. Your boring assignments won’t remain boring, thanks to gamification. Gamification allows you to present stuff differently. The idea is simple: to present bland and boring things in a way that makes things interesting for the user. Having a few unique and innovative badges and trophies can act as a ‘kick’ for the user. You can ask people to complete a level in order to gain a beginner’s badge. The higher you go, the more badges you’ll be able to win.

Creative Is The Way To Go

Creativity keeps people hooked, doesn’t it? Creativity makes an ordinary thing look extraordinary. No matter how exceptional your training modules are, if they are bland and plain ( not creative), then they are of no use. Quite frankly, it is not creative if it doesn’t sell. Make it creative by adding colors and GIFs. Your users need to enjoy the experience. There is no point in giving them a bland and boring piece of text. Give them various forms of media to play with. Videos can be of great help in this case. When combined with the unmatched abilities of gamification it can create social learning solutions, where the users will spread the word for you.

Enhances Employee Engagement

If employees and/or customers find your LMS engaging and interesting, they will visit it again and again. If you manage to keep the users captivated through gamification, then half the battle is already won. Having engaged employees is a great way of spreading your message far and wide. The more time your employees spend on the LMS, the better it will be for your company and its goals and objectives. You can have two different LMS solutions (one each for consumers and employees). Feedbacks can be discussed using the LMS itself as many LMS come with inbuilt chat windows.

Helps Convey The Corporate Image

Well, this one goes pretty much without saying. You can insert logos of your organization/business to make the modules relevant. The colour scheme (slides, headings, etc.) can also be used to convey the brand image. The company motto can also go below the logo. In this way, you’ll be able to market your company in the subtlest of manners. Remember, marketing is everything. You can do wonders if you are able to market your brand and viewpoints appropriately.

Gamification Is Necessary

This point cannot be reiterated enough. The idea behind gamification is to maintain and foster the user’s interest by stoking the flames of his desire. All of it is necessary if you are planning to market your LMS. Remember, a good LMS is not the one that is perfect. It is the one that has been marketed properly.

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