If your business isn’t quite meeting its productivity targets then what can you do about it? Decreasing productivity is a real concern for businesses of any size and it can seem like nothing you do will be able to fix the problem. Which is why using a new innovative tool like the one on offer from https://just3things.com/ can be so valuable.
But that’s not the only way you can improve your business’s productivity, below I have outlined some of the best ways to help your business if it’s suffering from poor productivity. Poor productivity is more common than you might think and with some logical thinking and patience, your business will probably get back on track after a while.
You might need to make a few changes, adopt some different strategies and set some new goals but you can reverse course when it comes to poor productivity. So, without further ado let’s look at some tips for solving productivity problems, shall we?
Utilize Objective And Key Results (OKR)
The OKR framework is incredibly useful when it comes to tracking your businesses objectives and eventual outcomes. Many big-name businesses have adopted the OKR framework including the tech mogul Google and social media giant Twitter to name just two.
OKRs can be set across multiple levels and all businesses regardless of their industry can benefit from using them. If you’re unsure of how to implement an OKR framework then there is software you can use and even dedicated platforms like the previously mentioned from Just3things. OKRs have already been proven to have a great record of success so they are certainly worth considering.
Set Realistic Goals For Work
Whatever industry your business is in you should have set goals for work or tasks you’re undertaking whenever possible. You should also make sure any goals you set for the completion of the work are realistic and attainable.
The S.M.A.R.T goal framework is a great piece of advice to follow when it comes to setting goals. The S.M.A.R.T framework stands for specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time. These are the five main areas you need to think about when setting goals for your business. By following this framework, you are more likely to set-up attainable goals for your business.
Failures Are Valuable Learning Experience
If you don’t reach your goals due to poor productivity then don’t panic, because that failure can be a valuable learning experience. Analyse the reasons why you didn’t meet your goal, was it due to not having enough people working on it, or was it because the materials you needed took too long to arrive?
That’s just a few of the possible reasons there could be countless others but by discovering what the issues were you can better prepare for them in the future. No one wants to fall behind due to poor productivity but as I mentioned earlier it is more common than many people think. But when it does happen you can use those failures to better prepare next time.
Improve Work Place Conditions
On average your employees will be spending at least 7 hours a day in the office, that’s a lot longer than it might seem and in many cases, it will usually be over the standard 7 hours. So, it might seem understandable why productivity seems to go down the longer the day goes on.
However, the more comfortable and relaxed the workplace is the more productive your employees are likely to be. There are many ways you can make your workplace more comfortable for employees and they are often simpler and easier than you might think.
For example, if it’s a sunny day make sure your employees have access to fans and cold drinks/ water or make sure the office is air-conditioned. And when it comes to the winter make sure it’s warm enough for employees to be comfortable. That’s just one way you can improve workplace conditions it can be done in many ways.
Be Open To Change
Changing the way, you work can be difficult but it can also improve productivity within the workplace. If your management style just isn’t working anymore then you need to be open to changing it. Likewise, some businesses practices simply become obsolete and become a hindrance to productivity over time.
To give one example, faxing used to be incredibly commonplace in numerous businesses but nowadays it’s much less likely to be used. Your business should never grow stagnant in the way it works there are always ways to improve and change if you really look for them.
Of course, you need to get the balance right as well as changing practices every few weeks isn’t going to improve productivity, is it? So, make sure you take that into account as well if a particular area of your business is lacking in productivity think about how you can make it better.
Delegate Tasks To Your Employees
One of the best ways to improve your businesses productivity is to not do everything yourself. You have employees, after all, don’t you? So, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to other people, of course, you need to be sure your employees can handle the tasks but delegation is a great way to reduce distractions and make employees more positive about the work they do.
By delegating tasks to your employees you’ll make them more passionate about the work they do and increase productivity at the same time. There’s an element of risk to it but it can certainly pay off when it comes to improving productivity and employee morale.
So, that’s a look at some of the ways you can improve productivity in your business. From utilizing new frameworks like OKRs to setting smarter more innovative goals. Poor productivity can seem like a huge problem but in the majority of cases, just a few small things can fix it. So, if your business is having some issues with productivity why not try some of the tips we’ve outlined above?
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