No matter what your passion is, you will most likely be inspired by this beautiful collection of inspirational quotes designed by Nuno Filipe Miranda. I hope Nuno will create some more of these images, and maybe next time he will include some women innovators and creative people from other parts of the world also.
As you see, he found a photograph of the person who said the quote and then faded it into the background of each image, creating a very cool effect. This style is very simple and effective, and I like it a lot. We all see quotes being circulated on Twitter and Facebook constantly, and it’s always a source of inspiration to me.
When you find a quote that speaks to you, it can even give you a little extra zap of energy. Since part of what I do each day involves sales, one quote that always inspires me to talk to people when I don’t feel like it is, “A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have” by Timothy Ferriss. What is your favorite quote? What is the quote that motivates you to do just a little bit each more when everyone else has stopped for the day? When Nuno created these several months ago, Steve Jobs was still alive. I wonder if he had a feeling then that Steve would soon join these other innovative trailblazers who had passed on. There are many more quotes in this set, and you can view them all by going to the nunofmiranda on flickr.
Via: [My Modern Met] Header Image: [Idea Champions]