Since the Coca-Cola headquarters is about ten minutes away from my house, you can understand that here in Atlanta, Coke is tradition and a legacy all its own. When tourists come here, many times they visit The World of Coke. It’s a very special place that is near and dear to us locals.
So, of course, when I saw this red Coke Man, I had to bring him to Bit Rebels. This humongous Coke Man (why hasn’t someone given him a more creative name yet?) was made with 2,500 empty Coca-Cola crates. He weighs 25-28 tons and is 16.5 meters tall. Aww… how cute and cuddly is that?
This “structure” isn’t here in Atlanta; it’s in a park in Newton, Johannesburg. What’s his purpose? He’s standing there proud to celebrate the World Cup of course! He kinda looks pixilated, doesn’t he? No worries, he will be recycled when he is disassembled soon.