Beautiful Images Inspired by Rain

It has been so hot here in the Philippines lately that we have been praying for rain. Rain can evoke a lot of feelings within us including nostalgia, sadness, love and hope. When I was younger, I remember we used to sing the song “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day, little girls want to play.” We would sing it until my dad finally let us play and dance in the rain.

As an element of nature, rain can be as powerful as it is beautiful. I remember last year when the rain flooded a lot of houses and left people here homeless. However, you can still marvel at its beauty and the hope it symbolizes. Imagine if there was no rain. The fields would be dry and the earth would be thirsty. Lovers wouldn’t be able to dance in the rain or share an umbrella together. I am so inspired by its beauty that I put together some images that capture rain and its wonders. I hope you get inspiration from them. The photographers did a marvelous job. What do you think?

Main Image Source –  Rain, Pink, Love Happiness..

Image Source – It’s Raining Here Without You

Image Source –  They say Rain

Image Source – The way I see it, I feel angels raining down on me.

Image Source – singing in the rain

Image Source – Dancing in the Rain

Image Source – Rain

Image Source – Monsoon Rain