There is no doubt that guns are controversial. Owning guns, carrying guns and using guns always seems to be somewhere in the forefront of most political debates here in the States. Everyone seems to have an opinion on this topic.
Since I live in the Southeastern part of the country, I grew up with guns. I’m comfortable holding and shooting a gun. To me, it’s not a scary thing; however, I follow all the proper safety precautions. It is a huge responsibility, and I take that very seriously.
So when I read this story about bullet hole art, I knew instantly it had to go on Bit Rebels. A Russian artist commissioned some dudes really good at shooting guns to decorate a BMW 3-Series with some bullet hole flowers. The car was marked with where they were supposed to shoot it, and as you can see from the pictures below, they missed a lot, but they sure had fun! This whole thing gives new meaning to the phrase “Flower Power.”
[via EnglishRussia]