Caturday Inspiration: Creative Cat Coffee Art [12 Pics]

At the time I’m writing this, it’s 4:15 on Saturday morning. It’s completely dark, and the only light I can see is the faint moonlight shining in through the window, my computer screen, and the vanilla scented candle burning close by. As the space heater under my desk keeps my feet toasty while I wait for the coffee to finish brewing, I only have two thoughts going through my head. The first one is that I can’t wait to get that coffee in my body, and the second one is that today is Caturday. Yay!

I decided to take those two thoughts and combine them into this one article, which is all about cute cat coffee art. I learned about Caturday from my dear friend Peg Fitzpatrick, and now I think about it every Saturday. I’m not even a cat person, yet I’m still hypnotized by all the cat pictures and videos that people share every weekend. Peg, this is for you!

For your inspiration today, I hope you enjoy these little lattes with feline designs on top. The one with the little paws is just so cute. A creative mind knows no limits, and if you’d like to try this yourself, click over to Latte Art Tutorial: The Cat. The ironic thing for me is that I would have to drink a cup of coffee to kickstart my brain in order to be able to make one of these coffee designs.

Latte Kitty Coffee Art

Latte Kitty Coffee Art

Latte Kitty Coffee Art

Latte Kitty Coffee Art

Latte Kitty Coffee Art

Latte Kitty Coffee Art

Latte Kitty Coffee Art

Latte Kitty Coffee Designs

Latte Kitty Coffee Designs

Latte Kitty Coffee Designs

Latte Kitty Coffee Designs

Latte Kitty Coffee Designs

Image Credits: [Cutest Food] [Fun Gallery] [My Picture Mania] [Kittens Pet] [deviantART / evaska] [Pinterest] [Site Point]