Creative & Colorful Streets – Unique Graffiti Artwork

I bet you’ve never seen graffiti like this before. Two weeks ago a group of cyclists poured 13 gallons of bright beautiful paint on a street at an intersection at Rosenthaler Platz in Berlin. The cars waiting at the red light watched it happen, and then the drove through the paint. Their tires became the paint brushes that created this beautiful street art.

I know what you’re thinking, and no worries, they used paint that washes off with just water and they posted signs so people would understand this. The result was this beautiful piece of street graffiti in red, blue, yellow and purple. Daniel K, one of the organizers, wrote about the experience on a blog. You can check that out here.

Of course, some people got upset about this. Since the paint was washable, organic and biodegradable, I don’t see what the big deal was. After all, it was all gone after it rained. In the video below, you can see cars splashing through the paint. How fun! This is one of my favorite pieces of street graffiti that I’ve seen.
