This definitely gets the WTF award for the day. I’ve seen a lot of crazy things since I’ve been a writer here, and rarely am I speechless about anything. However, I really don’t even know what to say about this other than wow. Right when I was wondering how anyone could do this to their dog, I read on Sandy Paws’ blog where she writes, “For those who are overly concerned about the dog’s emotions, Cindy (her dog) loves the attention.” Well dang, maybe she is right, maybe I should just enjoy these photographs for the artistic visuals they are intended to be.
All of the pictures you see below are of poodles (yes, even the one that looks like a horse). While there are many creative ways to groom poodles with a variety of hair cuts and styles, these poodle parents seem to have taken it to a whole new level. Richard touched on this a little when he wrote about a similar type of dog grooming in an article called When Zoo Animals Become Extinct This Is What We’ll Do. All of these dogs were colored in the name of art and groomed for different contests, some of which have a first prize worth $5,000.
Many of these photos were taken by Ren Netherland who travels around the world attending creative grooming contests and photographing the winners. If this is something you want to experience with your dog, you can contact Sandy Paws.
To my Mary who is sitting in my lap watching me as I type this, don’t worry baby girl, I won’t do this to you.
Via: [Craft]