How To: Create Mosaic Effect On Your Pictures

Taking photos is a fun way for us to keep memories. People usually take their photos with their digital cameras or the cameras on their phones. It has now become a way of life for people to always take their camera with them wherever they go.  Just like with some of my friends, they even take pictures of their food before they eat it whenever it looks interesting.  There is a conscious effort to show our families and friends what is happening to us on a daily, if not hourly, basis. lol

I love to spice things up and there is a cool and easy way to do that. When I was still in design school in college, my professor would always ask us to create works of art using MosaicMosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It may be a technique of decorative art, an aspect of interior decoration, or of cultural and spiritual significance, as in a cathedral. Small pieces, normally roughly cubic, of stone or glass of different colors, known as tesserae, (diminutive tessellae), are used to create a pattern or picture.  Now one can create a similar effect with our photos with the help of these tools.  Have Fun!

Image Mosaic v.3.0 Generator – Just upload your picture and it will do the rest for you! You can download and save them on your computer too.

Free Mosaic Generator Open Source files for you to download on your computer.

Here is a sample of what I created using the v.3.0. The first picture shows you a zoom into the eye of the main picture which is on the bottom!