How To | Make a Paper Magic Ball – Origami

Origami is one of my favorite form of paper art.  I thought of posting this article because its a great way to use some of these paper art examples here for Christmas decor and gifts to friends.

It takes some skill and practice to create a good Origami.  Hopefully the 3 videos which is done step by step can help you our readers learn the art too.

Origami (折り紙?, from oru meaning “folding”, and kami meaning “paper”) is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. The goal of this art is to create a representation of an object using geometric folds and crease patterns preferably without gluing or cutting the paper, and using only one piece of paper.   Origami only uses a small number of different folds, but they can be combined in a variety of ways to make intricate designs.

There is much speculation as to the origin of origami. It is generally believed that most of its modern developments occurred in Japan; however, there have also been independent paper folding traditions in China much earlier, and in Germany and Spain, among other places.

Origami had already become a significant aspect of Japanese ceremony by the Heian period of Japanese history. Samurai warriors would exchange gifts adorned with noshi, a sort of good luck token made of folded strips of paper. Origami butterflies were used during the celebration of Shinto weddings to represent the bride and groom.