Illustration: IRL Angry Birds Right In Your Own Backyard

A few years ago, there was a clear distinction between our virtual lives and our IRL lives. People often spoke of them as two separate entities; however, that has changed. For the most part, since we are all so immersed in our social media and technology, our online and our offline lives have merged into one, which is how it’s been for me all along. When you spend as much time as Richard and I do online, there is no real distinction. It all becomes one big mashed up blur.

As a result of this shift in consciousness, we see artists try to bring that virtual world even closer in by creating things for our offline lives that come directly from our online lives. Confused yet? It’s actually quite simple. Examples of this are this rubber stamp Facebook like button, these blue Twitter shoes, and this Angry Birds bra. Artist Mohamed Raoof wanted to put his own spin on the Angry Birds phenomenon by bringing them all one-step closer into our real lives, or into our backyards to be more exact.

He created these illustrations that show what those Angry Birds might look like if they were real birds sitting on branches in the trees outside. They look very pissed off and tough, but that doesn’t matter, my dog would still eat them anyway. Yeah, welcome to the real world angry birds.

IRL Angry Birds Outside

IRL Angry Birds Outside

IRL Angry Birds Outside

IRL Angry Birds Outside

IRL Angry Birds Outside

IRL Angry Birds Outside

IRL Angry Birds Outside

Via: [Technabob]