I’ve always thought that contortionists and gymnasts are insanely talented. Seeing them twist and turn their bodies in ways I could only imagine is always fun to see. I know it probably takes many years to train the human body to be able to move into the shape of a pretzel, or balance in a way that looks like the laws of physics are being manipulated.
However, one word I never thought of when watching people who can do this is graceful. Of course they have mad skills, they are disciplined and strong, but not necessarily graceful. That all changed for me though when I saw this photography by Bertil Nilsson, a photographer from London. These contortionists, gymnasts and dancers look so graceful, like they are floating. If you look closely, you can see their muscles working while they hold themselves in these positions. I’m sure they spend a lot of time on strength training to increase their abilities.
In these photographs, their bodies are actually works of art, and it’s truly stunning. I’m curious about how much of this is mental, just like with any other sport. I also wonder what was going through their minds as they were in these poses. It’s fascinating to me! You can see more of this collection and learn more about the photographer at Bertil Nilsson Photography.
Via: [My Modern Met]