Creative Photography: Dramatic Effects Of Red & Black

Earlier this month, I wrote an article called The Beauty Of Selective Color Photography. It highlighted the photography technique which involves converting a photo to black and white, but leaving some parts of it in color. It’s truly a stunning effect.

In addition to using the contrast of certain colors to add a layer of creativity and complexity to a photograph, it can also be used to add drama and display emotions. An example of this can be seen in the photography below by Silent-View. Using these strong colors sends a slighter somber message while at the same time drawing attention to the emotions on Fraeulein von Rosenfelde’s face (the model).

According to the website, this photographer and model have been working together since 2005. They believe these photographs resemble scenes from a dream or hallucination. Imagine how different the feel of these pictures would be if they had a white background instead of this black one. It’s a great illustration of how powerful color can be in photography. I think these are simply fabulous!

Selective Color Photography Effect

Selective Color Dramatic Photography

Selective Color Photography Effect

Selective Color Dramatic Photography

Selective Color Photography Effect

Selective Color Photography Effect

Selective Color Photography Effect

Selective Color Dramatic Photography

Selective Color Photography Effect