Aww Star Wars baby cosplay! Ok, maybe not. All I know is I want one of these for myself. I wonder if I could stretch this tiny hat onto my big head, hmmm that might be a challenge. Etsy member knitterkrys made this baby beanie from green acrylic yarn. This is her original design, obviously inspired by Yoda.
What a great way to convert newborn babies into Star Wars fans as soon as possible. She says on her Etsy page that she will make other sizes as people request them. I think it would be great to get a bunch of these made to send to my friends over the holidays. How fun would it be to find one of these under the Christmas tree?
Maybe your baby is more Princess Leia than Yoda. If that’s the case, don’t fret. Another Etsy user, the green hedgehog, makes a baby Princess Leia hat that is just as cute as can be. I put a picture below for you. Once again, Etsy is the place where you can always find the ultimate in creativity. You can check out both of these ladies by clicking over to knitterkrys and the green hedgehog.
Via: [Book of Joe]