World’s Longest Wedding Dress Train (Almost 2 Miles Long)

As if your wedding day isn’t a big enough day as it is, I suppose some people want to add even more excitement to it all. How about breaking a world record and getting married on the same day? Would that be enough excitement for one afternoon?

The pictures below show you the wedding dress which recently made its way into the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest train. As you can see, the model who is wearing it gets scooped up by a hot air balloon so the almost two mile long train on her dress can be softly carried through the street in Bucharest, Romania.

This wedding dress train, which is 2,750 meters long, barely beat the wedding dress train which previously held the record (it was 2,488 meters long). It took 10 seamstresses 100 days to create this. You can see that the train is not only long, it’s wide too. It’s made from imported lace from France and taffeta from Italy. Apparently it’s very expensive also. I wonder if she could walk with this attached or if it would be too heavy. I guess wearing a dress like this is one way to get your big day in the record books, literally! It seems like there is a world record for everything these days, doesn’t it?





