An Underwater Nightclub That You’ll Wish Was Real

One of my favorite things to do during the day here at Bit Rebels is read the emails that our readers send to us. I think Richard has mentioned this before, but we are so blessed that our readers think of us often and send us things that they find interesting. We read every one of those emails, and we try to sift out the best stuff to share with you.

Yesterday, one of our readers named Daniela sent us this little video clip that she found when she was scooting around the web. It’s so odd yet interesting and futuristic that I had to share it with you. It’s really brilliant what the creators of this were able to fit into a one minute and fourteen second video.

This is a promo for an underwater nightclub in NYC that doesn’t really exist (although the technology is available so it could exist). It is part of an ad campaign created by Thinkmodo for TechnoMarine watches. Yup, this is to promote an underwater watch. You’ll see the little TechnoMarine logo in various places in this video (like on the cups they are drinking from and in the lights on the walls). If you click over to Social Times, you can read a fascinating article with a short interview about how they made this. It took three days, and so for three days this place really existed. My only question is, how would you go to the bathroom in a nightclub like this?




Via: [Buzzfeed]