A Steampunk R2-D2: He Ages Very Well!

It seems people will steampunk just about anything these days. That Victorian style combined with punk flare seems to be getting more and more popular.

This particular steampunk creation is near and dear to my heart since I’ve had a crush on R2-D2 ever since I was a young girl. Maybe if he ever gets divorced, I’ll have a shot at him. Oh, you didn’t know R2-D2 was married? He is. Check out his wedding pictures here.

Created by artist Amoebabloke (a.k.a. Mark Edwards), this steampunk R2-D2 is made out of wood and brass and is decorated with meter knobs. From what I can see, it has no other purpose than to look cool. I wonder what Amoebabloke will create next? A steampunk C-3PO? A Darth Vader? I’d like to see someone make a steampunk Princess Leia. The artist obviously feels warm and fuzzy over R2-D2, just like I do. He says he won’t sell this little buddy on eBay because he doesn’t want him to go to just anyone. He wants him to be with someone that will “love and care” for him. Aww… Amoebabloke, your R2-D2 can live at my house if you would like. I’ll take very special care of him.

[via dvice]