Apparently bottle opener rings are popular, at least based on how many people search on the Internet for them each month. I’ve never heard of them until I saw these, and now I’m thinking it’s such a great idea. If you find yourself in need of a bottle opener often, this might be for you. Even aside from that, these rings are just my style, and I really like them. I wonder if he could make a Wonder Woman version.
These rings is custom made-to-order by Etsy user niquegeek. According to Etsy, each one of these is a 3D printed stainless steel ring featuring the logo of what you’d like. It is a handy bottle opener too. It’s the perfect gift for the geek in your like who likes to drink beer…or coke. Each one sells for about $25, which is a very reasonable price considering all the work that I’m sure goes into this.
The Batman and the Rebel Alliance bottle opener rings are definitely my favorites, but all of them are nice. I wish there was a video so we could see how these bottle ring openers work, but I suppose it’s just a simple old school bottle opener. It’s pretty creative to incorporate that into a ring. This could be one of the geekiest pieces of stainless steel jewelry I’ve seen.
Each one of these 3D printed rings is available in U.S. ring sizes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 which obviously means they are mostly made for men. I have a feeling he could create women’s bottle opener rings too. You can find out you ring size by going to Find My Ring Size. This could be the perfect birthday gift for the geek in your life!
Ultimately Geek Bottle Opener Rings
(Click Images To Enlarge)
Via: [Book of Joe] [That’s Nerdalicious]