I don’t know what it is with LEGO blocks and cameras, but they seem to go together well. There have been dozens of LEGO cameras created over the years, but this one is extra adorable. It looks like a tiny spy camera created from one LEGO block. As it turns out though, it may be inspired by LEGO, but that’s not an official LEGO block. It’s some other kind of block which looks very similar (a Nanoblock maybe?).
This camera is called the Chobi Cam Block, and it packs a punch when compared to its itty-bitty size. It can take 1280 x 1024 px pictures and 720 x 480 px video. To make it more fun, it can even take photos in black and white or color. It comes with a USB cord to make transferring them to your computer fast and easy. It lasts 100 minutes per charge, and even though the directions that come with it are in Japanese, according to Japanese Trend Shop, they are easy to understand (reallllly? that’s a relief).
The video you see below was shot with this camera, and it’s surprisingly good. I think the thing about this camera that is so appealing is just that it’s so small, and that it looks like the beloved LEGO block we adore from our childhoods. If you would like one of these for yourself, you can choose from red, orange or green and click over to the Japan Trend Shop link above where they sell for $73. If you want to see another LEGO block camera that is on a whole different scale than this, check out A Working Camera Made With LEGO Bricks. It’s an insane LEGO build created around a simple camera lens and a creative idea.
The Tiny Spy Camera Inspired By The LEGO Block
Via: [Incredible Things] Image Credits: [teenee]