We’ve seen all kinds of spoofs and funniness surrounding Disney. It’s pretty much the best subject to spoof since they are always making the funniest movies, and they have been the premiere producer of animated cartoons for as long as I can remember. We’ve seen Disney characters on all kinds of different occasions, and we are likely to see thousands more. It’s when Disney goes real that we really see their awesomeness. I mean, their love for imagination and creativity is something that I think we should all embrace in the very best way we can. Why? Well, the positivity in their approach is something that we could all tap into. Through their movies we have learned that nothing is impossible, ever!
Real life, what is it? I am sure that many people around the world have immersed themselves in games, movies and books enough times to almost believe they are a part of them. Harry Potter, Tron and a bunch more are proof of this, and there is definitely more to come. People just love to live outside of reality, especially when they have a hard time coping with the their own reality. So isn’t it time we bring some unreality into our reality?
Well, that’s exactly what Disney has done in their latest photography series created by Annie Leibovitz. It’s a magical ride through the stories presented by Disney, and the characters have been swapped out by real legendary actors and actresses to make the appeal of magic even more… well magic. It’s awesome to see some of our most beloved movie stars grace the memorable stories that we grew up with. This entire collaboration breathes magic in every sense, and I think we should take that with us. Anything you desire is possible as long as you don’t hurt someone on the way to it. Let that be a motto for you in life, and you will definitely do good! Dream, it’s pure magic!