Geeky Ice Cubes That Add Fun To Your Drinks!

I don’t know if in other countries it’s like this, but here in the Philippines, when December kicks in, Christmas parties abound. Filipinos love to party and there are so many parties, food and drinks everywhere. I guess when this time of the year comes, more people are also late for work because they were out partying until the wee hours of the morning. What makes a party rock? One thing is the food that is served. Depending on the budget of course, some parties serve finger foods while others serve lavish dinners. In addition to the food, a party would not be a party without an array of drinks that are available to the guests.

Usually we see beer and wine served, but with so many cocktail drinks available at parties these days, it’s also good to prep your drinks with some cool geeky ice cubes that will surely add more fun to your drinks. I found some very neat stuff over at Think Geek that will liven any party drink. There are so many molds and ice trays available. For example, there are the Bone Chillers, the Brain Freeze Mold, the Ice Straws and the Swords Ice Tray. Now you can match your ice cubes to your party theme or your personality. It is also a good topic of conversation among your friends!