High Five Fiesta: Add Some Confetti Pizzazz To All Your High Fives

There are all different types of high fives in the world, and whatever your high five taste may be, it is important to know how to master at least one of them. Whether it is the air high five, the high five fist bump combo or even the classic high five, they can all be a little tricky. You can click over to  Don’t Be A Dork: Proper High Five Etiquette to learn more about how to master a perfect high five.

One thing I’ve never seen before is how to add a little pizzazz to a classic high five. Now there is a way you can blast confetti from your hands each time you celebrate something special with a high five. It’s called a Fiesta Five, and you can see how it works below.

It is actually a little reloadable, reusable confetti cartridge. It has a push button on it, and when you high five, you’ll press the button with your hands and release a little burst of confetti to complement the mood. Then, you just reload the dispenser with more confetti for the next high five extravaganza.

Unfortunately, the Fiesta Five is not available for purchase just yet. The guys who created it are launching a crowdfunding campaign in a few days on Dragon Innovation. If you click over to Fiesta Five, you will be able to track their success and find out where you may purchase or order the Fiesta Five when it becomes available.

I think the reason I like this so much is that it adds a little burst of unexpected happiness to the world. Of course, just like at parties where people throw confetti, you will still probably have a little mess to clean up at the end. In my opinion, it’s well worth it!

The Fiesta Five Adds Confetti Pizzazz To Your High Fives



