I have always wondered why safety manuals usually have the same style when it come to graphics. Not only that, but they seem to make the people in the manuals happy as well, and that always freaks me out. It’s like they say in the movie Fight Club, no one looks like that when they are facing certain death. Instead, we would most likely be screaming in fear and trying to do whatever we could to survive. So why on earth are we still seeing these manuals look the same way? I mean, it’s enough that they think once we sit down on a plane for example, we’ll read the safety manual and watch the safety demonstration. However, when the event actually happens, we’re also supposed to calmly follow the instructions knowing that we probably don’t have many seconds left on this earth.
The old school way is still present, or at least it is when you look at these really retro safety manuals. You’ll really get a good laugh (maybe that’s the wrong word to use here) from these. Instead of actually informing (in this case kids) what is wrong and what is inappropriate to do, they used scare tactics to frighten the children about the danger. Is that good or bad? I will let you decide; however, what I am getting at is the graphic nature of the safety manual itself. If I were a kid and I saw these images, I would be scared to death to ever ride a bike again.
So basically, if you’re out to scare the socks off your children, I guess this safety manual is right in line with what you probably need. Just print it out and read it as a bedtime story, and your kid will wake up completely changed and probably scared of just about everything. On second thought, just let this be a funny reminder of how different things were back in the days when things were a little bit more odd. Even for me, the train that runs over the biker image is graphic enough to keep me from looking at the other ones. Eeeek!
Via: [Retronaut]