Old Retro Cassette Makeup Box For The Ladies

Yesterday I wrote about a retro cassette converter and how it could once again bring to life your favorite, old hit songs. We tend to discard our old stuff like it doesn’t matter to us anymore, but yesterday’s cassette conversion gadget has way too much power to even consider throwing away any of those old cassettes, right? It so happens that during my search for the greatest stuff on the Internet, I stumbled over something that I am sure you ladies are just going to love. If you are all into retro things, this old retro cassette makeup box is going to float your boat for the next couple of weeks or so. It’s the ultimate makeup box for anyone who considers herself a true geek, and you will see why in just a few seconds.

This particular retrofication is made available by ThinkGeek, and it is one of those really awesome little unique things that you won’t see other ladies carrying. It’s actually called the Manic Panic Cassette Compact, and it is an old retro ’80s-inspired box of eye shadow shades that will have you rockin’ that ’80s style like a boss. We all know the ’80s are coming on strong, and have been for quite a while now, so this is the definite thing to go for right now. If you want to be hip, this Manic Panic box is the right tool for your awesomeness.

Imagine pulling out this old retro thing when your girlfriends are around. Instant recognition and a whole lot of attention is what you will get. Not many people have their own personalized cassette makeup box, right? Well, with this one, you will have one to sport your ego with. We all know the ’80s were all about yuppies and the puppies, so this old retro cassette makeup box will fit right in since the ’80s style is coming back with its fullest power soon. Besides, fashion always comes full circle, so you will most likely be able to recycle this little thing for another use in the future since I doubt the makeup in it will last very long. Recycling is becoming the style too, and the fashion business certainly needs a little bit more recycling in it. On the other hand, what do I know right?

You can pick up this old retro cassette makeup box up at ThinkGeek for just $11.99 today and start sporting that ’80s fashion right away. Keeping it geek doesn’t always just have to do with a tidy computer desktop or a set of the latest icons. You need to accessorize as well. Here’s your chance.

Manic Panic Old Retro Cassette Makeup Box




Via: [Gizmodiva]