Test Your Jedi Skills Against The Star Wars Party Piñata

I’ve had a few of our readers email me over the years to ask if I’ve seen this or that around the web for their Star Wars parties. It’s usually a mother or father who is planning a party for their kids. Star Wars parties don’t have to just be for kids though. In my mind, when I think of a Star Wars party, I think of an adult party where everyone can completely geek it out in style. That would be a cosplay dream come true for me, and I’m already thinking about what I would wear.

If you start perusing our Star Wars articles here on Bit Rebels, you’ll quickly find everything you need for the perfect Star Wars party. We’ve got you covered when it comes to the Star Wars party foods, beer dispenser and even the grill. You will also find tons of unique Star Wars cosplay ideas for your inspiration, and to top it all off, I have the perfect Star Wars party pinata to share with you today.

This custom made Death Star pinata was created by Etsy user Outofthisworldpinata. It might look a little bit like a moon, but it’s a space station! It comes with 3 rebels ships and 3 imperial ships positioned on the sides and ready for battle. These little mini-ships aren’t made anymore, which makes them extra special. As you see in the 3rd picture below, it has the classic pinata flap on top so you can open it up and fill it with goodies for your guests. I can think of all kinds of fun things to put in there. It doesn’t just have to be candy of course. This would be a lot of fun, especially if you pick up a few inexpensive lightsabers to use to hit it (instead of using a baseball bat or something like that). I could go on and on. I love handmade Star Wars creativity like this! You can pick one of these up on Etsy for $50.

Click Star Wars Party Piñata Images To Enlarge


