Grandparents Cosplay: Aged Star Wars Superhero Photography

There is a lot of talk about cosplay all around the web, isn’t there? If you aren’t too involved, it can be quite hard to keep track of everything and what it is all about. All you really have to know is that cosplay is about dressing up as your favorite character or “thing,” and it’s somewhat like role-playing. It’s become a fast growing community, and we see new stuff being shared on a daily basis actually. They all vary in quality and dedication of course, but what they all have in common is the fact that they are all creative and intended to entertain and impress others. Where cosplay is heading only the future can tell, but one thing is for sure, there will be a lot of elderly dedicated people at some point still going strong in the cosplay community.

When that happens, in oh… let’s say 50 years or so, I am sure we will see something that is in the line with what the Sacha Goldberger photo series is all about. Star Wars is huge among the cosplayers, and so is the superhero theme. Put those two together, and you will have a hilarious and awesomely geeky photo series that will have you giggling way past your 50 years of cosplay experience.

If you ever wondered what a grandmother Darth Vader looks like or even a superhero grandfather, this is your fix. I think Sacha has been able to pinpoint the essence of comedy, and yet she managed to put some wonderful photography skills into this series of photographs also. I immediately started laughing out loud once I gazed at these pictures, and hopefully you will too. I just hope Sacha continues this streak of awesomeness with more photos featuring other cosplay costumes and setups. This is not only brilliantly put together, but it’s also truly impressive from a photography point of view, wouldn’t you agree?

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Star Wars Grandparent Cosplay Photography

Via: [Obvious Winner]