This could possibly be the most ingenious beer-drinking contraption I’ve ever seen. Too bad I don’t look good sporting a beard. This beard may just look like a costume or an intricate disguise, but my friends; there is a lot more going on here than meets the eye.
Underneath this hairball of nastiness (Opps… did I just type that?), there is a plastic water bottle looking thingy that holds up to 72 ounces of your favorite alcoholic beverage. You just strap this badboy to your face and off you go! The special straw that you will drink through is the patented “Thirs-T-Tooob.”
I know what you are thinking right now, and yes, it is a joke. You cannot buy this in a store because it doesn’t exist. My only question is, why hasn’t someone really invented this by now anyway? This is just another cleverly designed gift box created by Prank Packs. You can buy this empty box here for 8 bucks. I think I would be super pissed if someone gave this box to me. What a huge disappointment to find out that it isn’t real. Oh well, after all, I suppose we don’t need yet another excuse to drink more beer, right?
[via Incredible Things]