The Blue Bomber will always hold a special place in my heart. Megaman 3 was the first game I ever played, and Megaman X was the first I ever owned. Even now, I can’t help but issue a quiet salute to the character as Capcom apparently shelves him for greener pastures.
Every now and then, it’s good to know that I’m not alone in my love for the series- and that there are fans out there who love it even more than I do.
A few years ago, a rather unassuming fellow named John K. Bacchus made a post on the Megaman X 9 Forums asking for a bit of extra help with his project- which he started back in November 2007 in Flash 8 professional.
And the community delivered. Currently, J.K.B’s team consists of somewhere around twenty contributors, including composer Dominic Ninmark. (That link leads to Ninmark’s YouTube channel. Click it.)
The game, designed entirely as a labor of love, will feature X and Zero as playable characters, an entirely unique story, a free-roaming world, new armors, weapons and moves for both characters, new enemies, improved AI on old enemies, new bosses, new ride armor, achievements, a leveling system…And it’s going to be completely free- a true labor of love.
Basically, it’s the Megaman X re-visit that Capcom never made. If you’re a fan of the series, I dare you to look at the jkbproductions YouTube without getting at least a little bit excited, or listen to some of Ninmark’s excellent compositions without feeling at least a little twinge of nostalgia.
I’ll save you the effort- you won’t be able to do it.
Sadly, there’s currently no release date- though word on the grapevine is that the game’s set to release sometime in 2012. Bacchus has neither confirmed nor denied those claims. Here’s hoping it’s true- because I want to play it very, very soon.
For those of you who want to learn more, swing by the JKB Games Facebook Page or YouTube Channel.