There is no shortage in geek customizations these days, and the more we look, the more we find. So far we’ve seen everything from Nintendo NES controller coffee tables to large working iPhone blow-up (meaning uber scale) coffee tables. The imagination of home tinkerers is never ending, and I foresee some really cool ones coming up in the near future. So far we have only seen coffee tables in a few selected genres, which is kind of boring really (despite the fact that most of them are awesomeness defined material). We have yet to see some coffee tables with a touch of Star Trek, Jurassic Park or even Iron Man. Where are those guys?
Well, at least we can tick one more genre off the list and that is of course Star Wars. This awesome Millennium Falcon coffee table was designed and created by R9 Design Studios in England. It’s one of those that geeks would pride themselves on having in their living room. Imagine inviting your friends over for a cup of coffee (or tea in my case) and showing off that badboy. This piece would become the center of attention, and you would have an instant topic to talk about.
As you might have figured out by now, this is a one off and will probably not be made in any kind of supply. So, if you want it, I guess you’ll have to bring your big wallet to the creators and beg on your knees for them to let you buy it. I have no idea what the thing is worth right now, but I am pretty sure that it will become a hell of a collector’s piece with time. Storing space is another thing to be concerned since this one isn’t exactly going to “fly away” once you start getting a little tired of it. If you ever let your girl move in, you better make sure she likes it as well, otherwise you could have a problem on your hands. #JustSaying