Old School Vinyl Records Recycled Into Nostalgic Retro Lamps

One thing I wish I kept from my childhood is my parent’s old record player. I sold it in a garage sale for a couple bucks about a decade ago, and I’ve regretted it every since. Kids these days will probably never see a record player in real life, and it’s one of those retro gadgets that would be so much fun to bust out with every so often. Vinyl records are such a classic, and to this day, many people prefer listening to music that way.

When I think about vinyl records, I think about all the elaborate artwork that artists used to put on their album covers. It was a big part of the whole music experience before CDs became popular in the mid ’80s. Since I was so young back then, I only have one or two memories of putting a record on the record player, and then carefully setting the needle on the edge as it spun around.

If you are a fan of those retro vinyl records, you are going to love these lamps. They were created by recycling those old vinyls. This is such a great example of how something old can become new again, and get a completely different second life and a new use.

If you’d like to purchase one of these lamps, you can click over to Genanvendt.dk. If you have some special records up in your attic or in the basement, you might even be able to talk them into making a lamp from them. That would make having one of these even more special. Of course, your kids won’t understand it, and they’ll be confused by the concept of a record player. But you’ll get it, and that’s all that matters.

Vinyl Records Recycled Into Lamps







Via: [Dude Craft]