10 New Hobbies To Try If You’re Tired Of Staring At A Screen

Most of us have at least some hobbies (if you don’t then get some new hobbies) that require us to stare at a screen, like watching Netflix or playing video games. These are fun indulgences, and can even help us improve ourselves, but too much time spent staring at a screen can be devastating for our mental and physical health.

This effect is compounded if you stare at a screen as part of your job; because both your work and your free time involve digital interactions, you can easily feel trapped. If you want to break out of this cycle and give yourself a reprieve from constant screen interactions, there are several new hobbies you can try.

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New Hobbies To Try

These are some of the best new hobbies to explore if you need a break from the screen:

  1. Go hunting. One option is to purchase a firearm and go hunting. Depending on the season and the laws and climate of your area, you could hunt for deer, turkeys, elk, boars, or even bears (in Alaska and some parts of Canada). While hunting, you’ll be enjoying the outdoors, carefully observing your surroundings, and eventually, killing animals that you can harvest for meat. If you’re new to hunting, make sure to hit up a firing range for target practice, and try to go with someone who knows what they’re doing.
  2. Learn how to fish. If you don’t like the idea of carrying a weapon, but you like the idea of collecting your own food, consider learning how to fish. If there are any lakes, streams, or rivers in your area, you can set up with the right equipment and bait, and enjoy the outdoors while peacefully waiting for a bite.
  3. Go sailing. If you love the open water, you could consider getting a small sailing vessel and learning how to sail. It’s incredibly rewarding as a skill to perfect, and you’ll have plenty of time alone to decompress.
  4. Play an instrument. Have you ever considered learning how to play a musical instrument? Even if you don’t have a musical background, there are many instruments that are relatively easy to pick up, such as the harmonica or the ukulele. Just pick the ukulele chords here and start learning!
  5. Try gardening. If you have a plot of land, or a community garden area, you could try your hand at gardening. Many people love gardening because it’s a combination of time outdoors and physical effort, both of which can be rewarding. And at the end of the season, you’ll be able to harvest your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs for delicious meals.
  6. Explore an area of nature. There are countless ways to enjoy the outdoors. Pick an open natural area, such as a forest or a mountain pass, and go for an exploratory hike.
  7. Find a cause and volunteer. You can also find a cause that’s important to you and volunteer your time. Animal shelters, homeless shelters, and parks departments are always looking for new volunteers.
  8. Read (physical) books. You may do a lot of reading already, but how much of it requires the use of a digital screen? Consider getting back into the world of physical books. Some research suggests that printed books are associated with higher rates of focus and retention, and many people genuinely enjoy the tactile sensation of turning physical pages. If you don’t have much money to spend on books, don’t worry—just sign up for a local library card and check out whatever books you want for free.
  9. Journal. Next, consider taking up journaling. A handwritten journal can help you keep track of your upcoming events and to-do items, and help you organize your thoughts and feelings at the same time. With the right journal, you can spend time introspecting and learning more about yourself, you can process your feelings in a healthier way, and you can even keep track of your progress in all these other hobbies.
  10. Meet up with old friends. Though not widely considered a “hobby,” you should think about meeting up with some of your old friends—in person, if possible. They’ll probably love hearing from you, and you can easily have an enriching conversation that doesn’t require a screen.

Finding Even More Hobbies

If none of these hobbies sounds appealing to you, don’t worry—there are hundreds, or possibly thousands of other options to explore. Consider talking to your friends and family members about some of their hobbies, or reaching out to your neighbors. You can also go for a walk around your neighborhood, or in local parks, and see what other people are doing. You might be surprised at some of the options you discover, and eventually, you’ll find something that clicks.

If you are interested in even more lifestyle-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

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