Did you know that positivity is heavily contagious? It is a proven fact that if you are more positive, people around you will become positive as well. However, sometimes it can be hard to keep the positivity close at hand and ready when you need it if you feel that no matter what you’re doing nothing seems to be going your way.
Positivity does not grow on trees it is something that will have to come from within you and from your own experiences. For example, if we look at most successful people, they usually come from hardship and a difficult upbringing. So how is it that these people managed to stay positive even though life gave them lemons? Positivity is something that comes from within something that you have to nourish and constantly add to. It’s not easy to stay positive when everything seems to be falling apart, but that is why you will succeed if you never let go of that positivity.
When it comes to productivity, then positivity has everything to do with it. Super creative people are usually more positive than most. I am sure their creativity has something to do with a chemical infusion just because they are more positive. However, it is by will that they remain positive. This all might sound like a whole lot of mumbo jumbo, but the fact is that there are several studies that prove that positive people usually succeed in what they undertake.
So just how can we get more positive at work? According to an infographic called 18 Ways To Be More Positive At Work, (presented by cmd), we can absorb a few pointers that might just help us find a more positive path throughout our work day. There are a few typos in this infographic, but it serves its purpose really well and if you stay positive (no pun intended) you will make it through the infographic without tearing your hair out.
It’s a really simple infographic so I am not going to go into what each tip says or means. I think you are perfectly capable of finding that out yourself. However, I am going to say that with a little bit more positivity in your life, half the battles are already won.
How Being More Positive Can Increase Work Happiness
(Click Infographic To Enlarge)
Image Credit: [Cobalt PM]